Eric Bachman
Since the summer of 1991, when the peace groups of fonner Yugoslavia began to organise themselves and coordinate activities, they have encountered inunense communication diffleulties. With the start of open warfare in Croatia normal communications were disrupted. Not only did travel by train or road between Croatia and Serbia become impossible but the destruction of inany telephone connections caused an overload of the existing lines. Telephone calls between Zagreb and Belgrad, for example, became almost impossible. The few telephone lines which exist to Bosnia- Herzegovina are being increasingly destroyed by the war. The disruption of the postal system meant an almost total breakdowm of communication between the peace groups, especially those working on opposite sides of the fighting.
The purpose of this project is to help the peace
groups in the various countries and regions of
foriner Yugoslavia to be able to communicate
better with each other. Additionally, it should
help the peace groups there to conununicate with
,groups in the rest of the world.
In a situation where prejudice, hate and fear
between people of different ethnic bacgrounds
has grown almost unchallen-ed, it is necessary to
start with buildiog tip communication links.
Helpina people to reach out to each other, to
begin a new relationships, to revive old
friendships is of utmost importance.
The COMMUNICATIONS AlD is not only for
an exchange of letters, messages, news and ideas
among the peace groups, but it it is helping
people from both sides of the conflict begin to
conimunicate aoain with each other. (This idea
was first expressed in a proposal of the IPPNW
doctors in former Yugoslavia for a "Trust Liiik"
between the conflicting sides.) lt is being
unlarged to enable humanitarian aid groups and
others to use the network. Additionally it can, for
example, provida the basis of a commiiiiicatioti
network to help reftigees and displaced persons
to find each other. How far it could be developed
is dependent largely upon the amount of
financial support the project reccives.
This project for CONINIUNICATIONS AID for
the peace groups in former Yugoslavia has been
developed together with the Center for the
Culture of Peace and Nonviolence (Ljubljana),
the Antiwar Cainpaion (Zagreb) and the Center
for Antiwar Action (Belgrad). Of course it is
planned to include any peace groups in fonner
Yugoslavia that may want to join it.
In October 1991 several peace groups (WRI,
IFOR, etc ... ) from countries that still had good
telephone connections to Zagreb and Belgrad
agreed to relay FAXes received from one peace
group on to the other group. This was a big help
for the groups in former Yugoslavia and also for
groups froin countries, like Gen-nany, that had
great difficulties reaching Belgrad directly, but
better communications was needed.
FAXHELP continues to support the exchange
of fax messages as is needed. Although various
initaitives have supplied the south slavie peace
and antiwar groups with fax machines there is
still a need for some more fax machines.
Because the telephone lines were not
coinpletely destroyed but the remaining ones
were just overloaded, it was suggested that they
could be used at nioht for conununication by
computers using electronic mail. 1 found out that
even until the Spring of 1992 it was generally
possible to make telephone connections between
Belgrad and Zagreb or Ljublana or even more
distant cities, if it was done during the night
(after michuoht). This meant that electronic mail
--a BBS (Bulletin Board System) using
coinputers, modems and the telephone lines--
would work-. And even if it would later not be
possqible to conuect directly with another city
from fonner Yugoslavia, then we would connect
indirectly through Austria, Gennany or Britain.
This would also enable a connection with the
world-wide networks of BES's.
Some of the existing BBS's in Slovenia,
Croatia and Serbia were willing to support the
development of a larger network. The existing
AdriaNet was to be supported and enlarged.
The first phase begann in December 1991 and
January 1992. Moderns were given to peace
groups in Ljubljana, Zagreb, Bel-rad and
Sarajevo. The connections between the AdiraNet
and GreenNet were started. 1 installed these
modeins and gave preliiiiiiiary training to people
from different peace groups. The first steps taken
to connect a BBS in Belgrade into the AdriaNet.
The AdriaNet introduced two new topic areas for
the use of the peace groups.
Unfortunately the system operator (sysop) of
the AdriaNet BBS in Zagreb was not able to
keep his system running on a regular basis. The
email exchange with other BBS's in the AdriaNet
did not always work. The BBS in Belgrad was
also not able to carry out a regular exchange with
other BBS's in the AdriaNet. The cause of these
difficulties were overwork and or inavailability
of the sysop and also the very poor quality of the
telephone lines. The help which was given in
phase 1 was not enough to get the conununication
going. Several peace goups now had the means
to communicate by email, but the local BBS's
were not able to fllfill their role to pass on the
In the mean-time a foreign volunteer
experienced in email (Wam Kat) joined the
Antiwar Campaign in Zagreb and connected
directly into the world-wide einail network by
directly telephoning to the London-based
GreenNet. This step provided excellent and
speedy coinmunications to and from the Zagreb
Antiwar Campaign, but was very e-,\pensive.
Also it was no help for other antiwar and peace
groups, especially those in Serbia. Therefore it
was necessary to begin the next phase of the
The Antiwar Campaign in Zagreb and the Center for Antiwar Action in Belgrad decided to set-up their own BBS network. In July, 1992 1 helped install a BBS system in Zagreb and one in Belgrad. In both cities the BBS was installed in a computer wIrich was in use for other purposes during the day and also had to use a telephone line which was normally used for voice communication. The new BBS's "ZaMir- ZG" (For Peace - Zagreb) and "ZaMir-BG" (Fore Peace - Belgrade) which exchanged mail by way of Austria were now connected with each other and the rest of the world. Leters could be sent overnight fi7om Zagreb to Belgrade and from Belgrade to Zagreb. Within 12-24 hours letters could be sent and received to and from any other BBS in the APC (Association for Progressive Communications) Network and associated networks. Gateways (connections) to other email networks are also available.
Unfortunately, tlie ZaMir Network was not able to run as well as was planned. The computer in Belgrad (a laptop) was not adequate for the task of a BBS. The progranune had problems with the limited hardware. Also the single telephone line wIrich had to be shared between voice, fax and computer conununications was completely overloaded. Training for a system operator was also needed.
In Zagreb they also needed a computer dedicated to the BBS. And a dedicated telephone line was necessary as well. Within the limits of the hardware (limited number of hours onfine each day) it was working well. In spite fo the difficulties the international e-mail exchange began to work.Ilie teleplione costs were reduced. The BBS "ZaMir-ZG" is being used by people trom the peace groups there and has attracted an increasing number number of other users. lt is also possible to use the BBS to send faxes.
The connection between Zagreb and Belgrade
was working, albeit with great difficulty. To
seriously iniplement this phase of the
COMMUNICATION HELP there was a need for
additional equipment and software. The most
important item is a dedicated computer system
and telephone line in both Zagreb and Belgrade.
A special modern to compensate for the very bad
telephone lines in Belgrade was also needed.
Regular support for the costs of running the
systern were and are still needed. Although the
internatonal networks to which the ZaMirNet is
connected (many thanks to APC, CL, Z-Netz)
have waived most of the costs for the time being
(they also run on a nonprofit basis and do not
have excess funds), there are regular
expenditures which have to be covered.
In September 1992 I installed a new computer
(a 386/40Mhz with a 170 MB Harddisk) in
Belgrade. It is dedicated solely to the ZAMIR-
BG BBS. Together with a new modern
(Trailblazer PEP) which works even on very bad
telephone lines and a dedicated telephone line it
was possible so set up very reliable
communications with the relay BBS in Vienna,
I found an organisation (Brethren Volunteer
Service) that was willing to send a volunteer to
the Centre for Antiwar Action to support the
COMMUNICATION AID project. In October 1
trained the volunteer (Patrick Morgan) to use the
email progranunes and in November he joined
the staff of the Center for Anti-War Action in
Belgrade for one year. He is responsible to keep
the email system runrung to facilitate
During December 1992 the computer systern in
Zagreb was causing big probleins. We were still
usin- a borrowed computer and shared telphone
lines (on a two-party line). The system operator
was traveling for several weeks and during that
time the harddisk crashed and the einail
progranune went offline. No one there knew how
to get the system rurming again. The result was
that ZANM-ZG was off line for about 4 weeks.
By this time there were a number of users who
were actively using the email systern and were
upset about the unreliability of the systein.
As a result of this problem, funds were found
and a new computer was bought (a 386 40 NU-Iz,
200 Nffi Harddisk). After some difficulties a
dedicated telephone line was also fbund. Tbis
was installed at the end of December 1992.
Since then the ZaMirNet has been very reliable.
Thanks to all who supported us.
Thanks to all who supporied us
Since the beginning of 1993 both ZANIIR-BG
and ZANIIR-ZG have reliable email exchange
with each other and with other networks around
the world. This has only been possible with the
help from a number of people and grotips in
many different countries. The einail networks --
Association for Progressive Communication
(APC), the CoinLink network(CL), the Z-Netz
have been very helpful be providing the
infrastructure for the transport of the email and
have either reduced their fees or offered their
Services for free. We have been especially
supported by the systern operators of the
following Systems: BIONIC
(Bielefeld,Gennaiiy), GREENNET
(London.England), LINK-ATU (Viemia, Austria)
and OLN (Hannover,Gen-nany). Of special note
is also the help given us by the programmers of
the BBS software "ZERBERUS", both for their
donations and their untiring hotline support.
Without the help of padeluun and Rena from
Bionie we would not have solved a number of
problems we had when setting up the system in
Zagreb and Belgrade.
The generous financial support from:
the Heinrich B”ll Stiftung (Gennany)-, the
Komittee fr Grundrecht und Demokratie
(Germany); the Swedish Peace Coucil (Sweden);
the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society
(Sweden); the Support Group for the Peace
Movement in fonner Yugoslavia (Netherlands);
the Gruppe Schweiz ohne Armee (SAitzerland)-,
the proceeds froni publishing Wam Kat's "Zagreb
Diary" the Iniative for Supporting the Peace
Movenients in former Yugoslavia (Berlin) the
Vereniging Dienstweigeraars (Netherlands) and
the many individual who donated funds have
made it possible to supply the antiwar groups
with the necessary soft and hardware to set up
the electronic communication Systems in
Belgrade and Zagreb. Not to be forgotten are all
the aroups and individuals who have donated
donated computers, modems, fax machines, etc
directly to the groups in former Yugoslavia.
In Beograd there are a total of 375 users, of
which only 7 are groups. In Zagreb there are
about 125 users including 27 groups. (see list in
the appendix) The large amount of individual
users in the Belgrade BBS is due to the fact that
other channels of electronic communication from
Serbia to the outside world are still very
difficult, if not imposible. Ihe systern operators
in Zagreb have done a lot of work to involve as
many groups as possible to join and use the
systern. In Belgrade there is much more work to
be done on this aspect. Tliere is a lack of the
necessary equipinent for the groups and also a
lack of training to introduce groups to the
Each of the BBS's send and/or receive
approxiiiiately 500 to 2 000 kilobytes a day. this
includes public and private messages. This costs
approximately 300400 DM a month for each
system. Users of the ZaMirNet are still not
charged for the communication Services. The
local running costs (telephone, electricity) have
been covered by the Centre for Antiwar Action in
Belgrade and the Antiwar Campaign and
Suncokret in Zagreb. Future plans call for raising
more funds and spreading the costs among the
The ZaMirNet has ist own conferences which
are exchanged betewwn the System in Zagreb
and Belarade. Additionally the BBS's offers
approxiiiiately 150 international conferences
(trom the APC, CL, Z, T, Usenet, etc.) which
can be read and written to by the users. (see list
in the appendix)
In Zagreb there has been at least one meeting
of users to help organize the BBS. More and
more organisations are using the email Systems.
The International Council of Voluntary Agencies
(ICVA) an NGO that has a task force for aid to
fonner Yuaoslavia has set up its own BBS in
Geneva (ICVAGE). Since April 1993 it uses the
ZaMirNet to have better contact with it's meinber
orgnisations working in Serbia and Croatia. An
overlay network of ICVA conferences is now
available on ZAlvM-ZG and ZANER-BG.
The next step for the ZaMirNet is to install the
newest version of the BBS software. It has been
donated to us by the progranuners (Zerberus
GmbH). This software update will allow two
users to connect simultaneously to the BBS. lf
we can manage to pay for a second telephone
line, then more users will be able to use the
To complete this phase of the project we still
need to install the uninterruptable power
supplies (UPS). The UPS prevent electrical
power failures from destroying data. The UPS
have already been donated, we just need to do
some programming work to install them with our
software. We also need to install a streamer in
Belgrade. A streainer makes backups of the hard
disk so that in the ease of a hard disk crash (or
other disaster), the data will not lost. In Zagreb
we already have a streamer installed. If the
amount of data and the usage of the Systems
grow has already grown beyond the space
available on the hard disls. In Zaereb we have
temporarily loaned another harddisk (about 120
IvM) until we get a larger one. In Belgrade we
habe also had a schutdown due to a full
These additions are necessary to enable us us
to have a more efficient mail exchange and
increase the capabilities of the BBS.
To complete phase II we need DM 6.000 to
buy larger hardisks and DM 8.000 - 12.000 to
cover the running costs for one year and about
DM 3.000 to cover software costs (some
progranuns have not yet been paid).
It is not only usefull for the peace goups in
Zagreb and Belgrad to be able to communicate
,Aith each other and the world, but it would be
very helpful for groups from other cities to be
able to use this means of communication. This
means finding financial support to buy modems
and software for the other groups. Due to a lack
of computers it will also in some cases be
necessary to find funds for the necessary
hardware. Peace groups from Rijeka, Subotica,
Pristina and other cities are interested in linking
up and using the email System.
The next place that a BBS is needed is in
Sarajevo. This would be a bigger investment
because of the higher costs (satelite connections,
emergency electricity provisions, etc.) We have
also had a request for aid to set up a BBS in
More training especially for users of the BBS
(and for systern operators) is needed. We are
training people from Croatia and Serbia with the
goal that they carry on the training work. This
takes much time and funds are needed to support
such work. Unfortunately there are not enough
funds available for all the requests that we have.
Possible future developments of the
communication System could include the
following ideas:
To find volunteers or to find funds to pay
people so that each major city would have a
person who could facilitate thr refugees access to
the communications network. This could also
mean that the necessary hardware (a computer
ten-ninal) would also have to be financed. This
was proposed by Wam Kat in bis "MODEM
A further possibility would be to set up a BBS
in each of the capitals of the republics of forrner
Yugoslavia, or other major cities as would be
As noted above, the BBS's could be used not
only for the peace groups, but it could, for
exainple, be the basis of a communication
network to help reftigees and displaced persons
to find each other or to aid the alternative media
spread their reports and exchange information
with each other.
In fact the APC has started a conference for
refugees (at the request of ZaMirNet) to serve as
a forum to help facilitate finding lost relatives
and friends. The ICVA is also working on this
and we shall be cooperating with them and of
course Suncokret to facilitate searching for and
finding lost persons.
As the usage of the system growes, it may be
necessary to install more telephone lines and a
local network with several computers to enable
more users to use the system.
Eric Bachman, Koordinator of ZaMir Transnational Netzes
Spendenkonto für das ZaMir-Projekt: 2138113 Sparkasse Bielefeld (BLZ 48050161)
Eric Bachman
Milchstraße 83
D-32120 Hiddenhausen
Tel: +49-5221-67191
Fax: +49-5221-67978
FoeBuD e.V.
Marktstr. 18
D-33602 Bielefeld
Tel: +49-521-175254 (Mo-Fr. 17-19 Uhr)
Fax: +49-521-61172